Rekindling the Lost Connection

Written By: Kevin Holmes


To start the new year off on the right foot, Lisa and I have been working together to become more intentional in re-establishing the lost connections with some of our clients. We decided to do this because 2020 was a year of a dramatic shift in the way we communicate.


So, how did we start? Well, we took a hard and honest look at our process and the way we follow up with clients. It became clear that we had missed some great opportunities to reconnect with some clients because of the lack of intention with the follow-up! 


This was not an easy process to go through. We went through all the recent contacts that we might have overlooked or failed to follow up on. Then came the fun part! How can we reconnect?


We decided to get back to basics and here are 4 solid tips on what we are doing to rekindle the lost connection with our clients:


Tip #1 Write a handwritten Thank You


Probably the easiest and most meaningful way to reach your client. Just the gesture of taking time to write a short handwritten note and drop it in the mail can go a long way.


Tip #2: Make a Phone Call


Depending on how many contacts you have, pick a few each week and give them a call or leave a message if you get their voicemail.


Tip #3: Out to Lunch


We all have to eat and eating food is always a great way to reestablish a lost connection. Call some of your clients and schedule a lunch to take them out and reconnect!


Tip #4: Connect Digitally: Write an Email


Sending an email is a great way to stay top of mind with your clients. The key is to make sure it’s short, sweet, and intentional. Start the email as a new way to introduce yourself and your business. Maybe talk or mention some of your services that might be helpful to them!


I hope you found this helpful and I’d appreciate hearing your thoughts!

Kevin Holmes is an owner and the Vice President of Sales and Marketing for Holmes Marketing Services. He is passionate about giving Holmes clients the best possible experience and exceeding expectations. To discuss how to make your marketing work for you, or to learn more about Holmes, you can contact Kevin at