Are You Up-to-Date?

Written By: Hannah Hitchcock


I recently started to go through LinkedIn learning and watch some videos on social media marketing, blogging, video production, etc. As I was watching the videos, a thought popped in my head. How much of this is up-to-date with the times? Is this still accurate? And the bigger, overarching question that loomed over me was, Am I up-to-date with the times?


I found out very quickly that I am pretty caught up with times, but there are still some tips and tricks that are evolving that slipped under my nose.


So, how do you stay up-to-date in the ever-evolving marketing world?


Easy, you have to be IN the marketing world to be a player in the marketing world. Let me explain. Think back to when you first opened your Facebook application. The excitement and confusion were both apparent but the longer you stayed on it, the more comfortable you got and the more you learned. 


That is the same with marketing.


It is unrealistic to expect to be always 100% up-to-date with the trends and updates, but you can certainly try. I know for myself that I am not an all-knowing expert. I need to research, watch videos, talk to people, and gather experiences on my own to keep up with what’s going on. That goes hand in hand with being involved in what is going on. Posting content, blogging, analytics, website creation, and speaking events are all ways to be immersed in the marketing world.


Why does this matter?


The growth of your marketing journey depends on where you have been and where you are going. If you are content where you are at and don’t aspire to grow, then the marketing world is probably not the place for you. Notice that marketing isn’t just one thing, it’s multiple. Why? Because marketing is not just one thing, that connects with one audience. Marketing is a chameleon that takes form and adapts to its surroundings to connect with most people. 


Staying up-to-date can be tricky, how can I easily do that without spending a huge amount of time on it?


One thing that I like to do is watch LinkedIn Learning videos. This is a great tool because they do keep up with the latest trends, have informative videos and courses that you can take if you want to dive deeper into what you are learning. I usually take notes when I feel like something stood out to me or I didn’t know that bit of information. 

One thing I will tell you is that don’t just read/watch any course. Pick something that interests you so you can validate your time when watching them. If you are constantly watching the clock and just waiting for the time to go down, then you chose the wrong video. 


Another great way to try and stay up to date with everything is to talk to the people you work with. They are most likely on social media and can tell you some organic information from personal experience that you might not have gathered on your own.


That’s it! Good luck and keep marketing!


Happy Blogging!



Hannah Hitchcock the Marketing Coordinator at Holmes, a full-service marketing agency, in Springfield, Ohio. Holmes specializes in equipping businesses to be the hero of their own stories. We believe in authentic human connection and collaboration. Ready to have a true partner for your company’s marketing efforts? Contact us today!